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Landscape Visualisations: Hand-Drawn vs Photoshop

For the past few months I have been developing my final year design project, Woven Ground, at a detailed design level. Progressing from a conceptual masterplan in Semester 1, I produced a detailed 1:500 masterplan accompanied by a series of landscape visualisations. My intention was to produce a comprehensive design that considered the spatial and experiential qualities of the site. Conveying the concept Woven Ground, the masterplan was inspired by the undulating form of woven willow rods. Two interweaving pathways traverse the site; one pathway raised and the other not. The warp and the weft.  Through a collection of hand-drawn and digitally rendered visualisations I was able to convey my design in 3 dimensions. When considering the site on an experiential level, I wanted to create an atmosphere of suspension and revelation. Visitors will weave through areas of woodland and dense undergrowth before unfolding out onto the water where woven willow statues will emerge from the earth.  Gi

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